Error: The application failed to initialize properly ( 0xc0000005 )

Application Error at Startup
The error message, "The application failed to initialize properly ( 0xc0000005 )" is caused by DEP being enabled. Istaria attempts to pre-allocate memory at start-up, and this is misinterpretted by DEP. DEP exlcusion is only required for the 382 and earlier client. Client version 383 and higher (known as the Vista-compatible client) does not require DEP exclusion.

  1. To resolve this issue, click Istaria: 
  2. Right Click My Computer > Properties 
  3. Click Advanced tab 
  4. In the Click Performance section, click Settings 
  5. Click Data Execution Prevention 
  6. Click the option "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" OR select "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services."

If you selected "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select", then please perform the following steps:
  1. Click Add Browse to your Istaria install folder and select horizons.exe 
  2. Click OK Reboot your computer

If you don't know your login or password, please send an email to [email protected],
along with possible email, login name or character names.

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